- Most of the code published here comes from my Linux machine, so the screenshots will reflect this.
- I strive, even when I write desktop stuff, to be multiplatform, so chances are that you'll be treated with the odd Windows screenshot. Since I don't own a mac (and I won't own it for the foreseeable future) I won't provide instructions on how to run something on it.
- This site is created using Eleventy, the theme is fully custom created and does not use any framework, since it adheres to the small web philosophy.
- This site uses and self-hosts the following fonts:
As I already stated here, I drew inspiration mainly from these three sites.
- Eleventy, for creating such a Static Site Generator: fast, powerful, extensible and flexible.
- Learn Eleventy From Scratch, the best tutorial ever for this SSG. Even if it's a little out of date.
- Dana Byerly, for having built and structured the type of personal site I always wanted to build but I didn't know how to do it.